Monday 5 August 2013

BPO Online Outsourcing


Online outsourcing means outsourcing over internet. It is a process of transferring task, projects or whole area of work or project to a third party company. Mostly services those lies within IT and marketing are outsourced to third party as they can be easily obtained over internet.Examples of such tasks are programming and web design, multi-media production, logo design or search engine optimization not forgetting services like translations, research and editorial work. The work of obtaining and assigning such tasks over internet is very simple and convenient.

There are three variant of outsourcing:
1) Offshoring
2) NearShoring
3) Homeshoring
With offshoring, which a variant of outsourcing, task or business processes can be assigned to organization overseas.

With nearshoring, offshoring also has its own variant. While the former relocates tasks to a country usually very far afield on another continent, the latter is, as the name suggests, relocation closer to home.
Homeshoring, as a variant of outsourcing, describes the location of third party services which are not undertaken by companies but by individuals working from home. This form of working is also known as Home-Office or often telecommuting.

Online Outsourcing can be traced back to the 18th century and the principles of the division of labour and specialization championed by Adam Smith. Workers should focus their position according to their own specializations in order to be effective and efficient.

Online outsourcing and its subcategories follow the same principles of outsourcing that Smith highlighted. Through outsourcing a company can relieve itself of secondary tasks and concentrate on core issues, thus improving its efficiency. “Do what you can do best – Outsource the rest.“

Online outsourcing has its origins in the United States of America (USA), where it has been an established practice since the mid-1990s. In Europe, the model has found success since the development of the Internet in early 2000.

Online outsourcing and offshoring has been available since the 1990s and continues to find new ways into the global labour market. Worldwide, there are several companies that specialize in this area. Whilst the largest online service agents are located in the United States, there are numerous companies working globally, regionally and locally.

Online service agents provide virtual internet platforms on which clients can advertise projects. On the platforms potential service providers can register and make offers for individual projects.

For greater transparency, qualifications, work samples and feedback are required of every service provider which can be viewed on the platform by registered users. The online service agent provides invaluable guidance and assistance through the platform, and also provides the infrastructure within which your team can be led. The service contractor can decide with whom they wish to work with. This gives the companies to get best possible services.

1 comment:

  1. online outsourcing BPO is a fast grooving strategies in business.In your blog the meaning of all this was really nice executed.thanks for sharing this.

